Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Power of Prayer

As if I needed any more proof that prayer works!

This past Friday after school we took Scott in for his next shot. He started to get upset again; as I held him down I began to pray, "Lord, help Scott. Help the shot not to hurt, etc..." He calmed down and the next thing we knew the nurse was saying, "It's done!" So next time we start praying before the weeping and wailing starts! Seriously, I am continually amazed at how God blesses us and answers our prayers. He really wants to hear from us. How cool is that!!!

After the doctor's office we went to see "Hotel for Dogs", the kids had both really wanted to see it and we thought it would be a good "reward" for Scott. Then on to dinner at Scott's favorite restaurant Souplantation, where he loves the Mac & Cheese!

Thanks to all of our prayer warriors! You are awesome.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Here we go again...

Tomorrow Scott has to go in for the 3rd shot of the drug that will (hopefully) block the growth hormone that his pituitary gland is producing an overabundance of. The first shot he had was in Maryland at NIH, the second was here at our pediatrician’s office.

It went pretty well, if you don't consider that he was kicking and screaming and that Chuck was lying over his legs and I was lying over his upper back to hold him down. So with us lying there, the nurse grabs him and jabs the shot in so fast! I don’t think I have ever seen a shot go so quickly, I am certain she just wanted out of there!

It reminded us of the scene in "Finding Nemo" where the pelican flies into the dentist’s office and chaos breaks out. Ashlyn was afraid and slowly backing out of the room and when Chuck noticed her leaving he could see the receptionist and the people in the waiting room. Eyes as big as saucers and mouths hanging open is what he said he saw!

We made the mistake of telling Scott last time that it was coming up soon, so we haven’t yet told him that the shot is coming. Please be praying that he won’t get so worked up and that he wouldn’t even feel the shot. (It’s a big gauge needle and a thick liquid so it hurts when he gets stuck and when the drug goes in). Also, please be praying that the shots will be effective, if the levels of growth hormone (IGF-1) isn’t lowered enough by this drug, we’ll have to add a second one, which would be a daily shot (once or twice daily), I really don’t want to have to do that!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Things that Kids Say

Today at work, I was in the two year old room and one of the little boys had a scratch on his face and we asked him, "How did that happen?"

His reply, "I bounced and then I was fine."

I just love the things that come out of kids mouths!