Monday, March 16, 2009

A Prayer Request

Our dear friends, the Schultze's have sent out a prayer request for their son, Adam. Below is an email that Richard sent out.

Please, you wonderful prayer warriors, take Adam, Michelle, Richard, Hudson, Walker, and Carolee to the Throne of Grace.

You are all wonderful! Thank You!

We have some prayer requests for us.

Adam is in the hospital this whole week having tests done. We reached a point where medications were not controlling his seizures and we went for a consultation on having brain surgery to help resolve his epilepsy. The doctor mentioned two stages of advanced testing beyond the MRI and EEG's he's had done in the past.

The first stage involves a full week of hospitalization (this week) where he is weaned off of 3 of his 4 seizure medications to immediately induce seizures. It is working
since he had 3 today so far, 2 of them major. He will be monitored constantly to get detailed data on what is happening inside his head during seizures.

After these tests, the doctors will evaluate and decide whether to
proceed to the next step which is opening his skull and placing electrodes
directly on the brain. Once this step happens doctors are able to isolate
the seizure activity and then remove parts of the brain that cause the
seizures. They shared an example with pictures of a boy's brain that they
operated on who has now been seizure free without medication for 3 plus

We hope to be at this phase some day.
Our prayer requests are that:

God would shield and protect Adam from the pain and inconvenience
of this testing; and that no harm would come to him during this week of seizure

The Lord will be with Michelle and grant her rest and strength as
she will be at the hospital constantly while doing things like helping to keep
Adam awake until 3am for the next couple of nights. She will need extra
grace to cope.

Our other children Hudson and Walker will not exhaust or tax
Carol Lee (Michelle's stepmother) who is helping at our house. She will
need extra grace to cope as well.

We love and miss you all.

All God's blessings to you.
In Christ,


Kristi Bowers said...

of course we are praying!!

on a side note: we are visiting cali from july 9-21 and would love to see you guys, maybe at helen's pool?

Anonymous said...

We are praying, too!!! Wish I could pray with you in person this weekend. I can't believe my husband gets to see you before I do!!!!! God bless!