Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Getting Ready for Maryland

We leave on Saturday, November 15 bright and early. A special thanks to Darrel, who is willing to get up before the crack of dawn and take us to the airport at 5:00 a.m.

For whatever reason this trip seems so much more difficult to prepare for than our 2 week camping vacation to Yellowstone a couple of years ago. I guess maybe it’s the reason we are traveling. I am very anxious to get there and get going on treatment for my boy.

We told Scott last week that he had MAS. We also to him that God knew he had this condition even before he was born, and that God had made him exactly the way He wanted him, and that he is very special to us. We also told him that the place we are going does research on people with this condition and that Scott could actually help them help others as they learn more about this condition by running tests on Scott. We also told him they have medicine that will help slow down his growth. Scott took the news well. He is excited about the trip, even though we told him most of the time he will be inside a hospital. He did ask a few questions, which opened the door just a bit into what he may have been thinking about all along. Based on his questions and comments, I think that Scott wishes he was the same size as the other kids his age, although he has never come right out and said this.

I asked him last night if he was nervous about going and he said that he was. I asked him in what ways and he didn’t want to answer me he just said a lot of things.

In a different conversation with Ashlyn, we told her that we were going to be gone for a week and that she was going to have Darrel and Barbie and then Auntie Cynthia here to stay with her, her response, “Today!?”, so much for us worrying about how she was going to take the news! That’s my independent girl.

Please pray for these things:

-that Scott isn’t nervous and that he’ll have a peace about the whole week.
-travel safety and that there are no flight delays. We have to be at NIH by 7:00 to be able to stay at the accommodations they have there.
-travel safety for Cynthia, first from Bolivia then on to Orange County.
-that we all stay healthy.
-for the free time that we have, that it will be fun.
-for the doctors, nurses, etc… who will be part of Scott’s care, for wisdom, knowledge, etc…
-for Chuck and me that we have the wisdom to ask the right questions.
-for those who are taking care of Ashlyn, Barbie & Darrel from Saturday to Tuesday and Auntie Cynthia from Tuesday night to Saturday when we return.
-for Ashlyn that she’ll have fun and feel special with all the “focused” attention. And that she won’t miss us much.


Kristi Bowers said...

Praying praying praying....

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update - I knew your trip was quickly approaching!!!! We will be praying and looking forward to updates!!!

Psalm 84:12 "Lord Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in you."