Monday, November 17, 2008

A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words

Here are some pictures from our day in Washington D.C. We had a great time, as you can see.

These are of Scott's room after we checked him in. He was excited to see the computer/TV!

-Today was a busy day, starting with blood draws at 7:00 a.m. and then on to X-rays, next stop breakfast for Chuck and I (at the cafeteria here - not so good!). After that, audiology for a hearing test (everything was good there, only when his mom says to stop playing does he have hearing problems). Then we met with Dr. Collins and his team. We are both very impressed with him. Next stop a 9 minute walk/run test with a rehabilitation doctor to check his gait and joint mobility and strength. It was probably the only time a kid is told it's OK to run in the hospital halls! We learned that his joint mobility is ok, but Scott will need to have orthodics (not sure if that's the right spelling...) and a lift in one shoe. One leg is 1/4 of an inch shorter than the other. More on that later.

Next, we went the pain management clinic. Even though he is not having any pain now they wanted to introduce us to them, in case we need them in the future.
That was our last appointment for today. We were able to take Scott out on a "pass" and have dinner at the Children's Inn and then we went to the grocery store for some supplies. That was an adventure. We had to ride the Metro to the Bethesda station and then a short walk to Safeway. Then a short walk back to the Metro, with groceries and a case of water split between 2 backpacks and several grocery sacks. Glad I don't have to do that every day!!
Please keep praying for these things:
-- Continued wisdom to ask the right questions of the doctors, nurses and therapists we will be meeting with.
--That Chuck and I would get better sleep.
--Safe travel for Cynthia from Phoenix to Orange County.
Thanks again for all your emails, calls and support. We appreciate it so much!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the photos - Scott is priceless!!! I, too, am thankful we don't have to take the metro to grocery shop - what a pain that would be!!! It's weird to see you all in our old neck of the woods - wish we could be there to support you all!!!!