Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving and Praise

This is the time of year when we reflect on what we are thankful for; these are a few of mine...

-- A loving, caring, merciful, forgiving God.

-- A loving, supportive, wonderful husband.

-- Fabulous kids, who get along (most of the time).

-- A wonderful, generous, loving extended family; aunties, uncles, grandparents, & cousins.

-- "Adopted" parents/grandparents, Darrel & Barbie.

-- Old friends and new friends.

-- Prayers, cards, emails, and encouragement from those friends.

-- A good dog, who likes to snuggle.

-- A son who is goofy and kind of a dork, just like his mom.

-- That Scott's illness is manageable. Not terminal or debilitating.

-- That there is a treatment for the excess growth hormone.

-- That Scott is not in precocious puberty. That the external signs of puberty that he has can be dealt with.

-- A daughter who is independent and strong even though it drives me crazy sometimes. Pray for me!

-- That Ashlyn loves to dance around and be silly.

-- Coffee (the stronger the better).

-- The doctors who we have met recently. That they are caring, knowledgeable and willing to share their time.

-- Nurses.

-- NIH (National Institutes of Health).

-- That Scott hasn't had any side effects to his new medication, at least as of right now.

-- Good news. It is always welcome.

-- Bad new. It makes us trust in God and strengthens our faith in Him.

-- Target. I love to shop there.

-- Books. I love to read.

-- My own bed!

-- Chocolate.

I hope that you all have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great list of things you are thankful for! Wish I would have thought to do that!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!