Monday, August 18, 2008

The Power of Prayer is Amazing

I have always known that the power of prayer is an amazing thing. But, I have to say that over the last couple of weeks I have FELT the power of prayer.

When we had our first appointment with the endocrinologist I so sure that they doctor would say “it’s nothing, he’s just a big boy”. Well, the landscape of our lives changed dramatically in one afternoon. The next week I was a wreck, on the verge of tears all the time and feeling a lot lost. We asked a few friends for prayer and still in our denial thought that it would be all right.

Then came the day that Scott had his MRI and the doctor called to say he had a tumor. Boy, we were really a couple of wrecks. But, we made a huge plea for prayer and boy was it answered! I can’t believe the number of emails and calls that we received! It was an overwhelming, in a good way.

I have felt a strength and peace over the last few days. I am positive that I wouldn’t be feeling if it wasn’t for the prayers that have been taken to the Throne on our behalf.

Thank you, Thank you, and Thank you. And please keep it up!


Kristi Bowers said...

I totally agree with you! One of the main reasons why I blog is so people know specifically how to pray for our family because it WORKS!! Know we are joining you in prayer everyday! We love you guys...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updates. I check at least once a day to see if you've posted a new blog. I came across a scripture today that seems appropriate for you all.

Psalm 40:1 "I waited patiently for the Lord, and He inclined to me, and heard my cry."

I also love your post a few days ago after your family outing. I think it's wise that you all are focusing on what you do have and celebrating life right now in the midst of your circumstances. Continue to hold on to the truth - God loves you all and He is in control.

1 John 5:12 (NIV) "He who has the Son has life, he who does not have the Son of God does not have life."

You all are a great example of truly living as believers in our Lord. You are showing others how to live life even during this time!!!

In His grip - Larissa

Unknown said...

Praise God!