Monday, September 15, 2008

I Love Dogs!

As many of you know, I LOVE dogs. If I could, I would have 45 of them. Well, OK, maybe not that many. We have had three dogs during our marriage, Annie, Madison, and Kira. Annie and Madison have gone on to “doggy heaven” and we miss them both.

Our current dog is Kira. She’s a Rhodesian Ridgeback that we rescued/adopted last September. In fact, she came home on September 21st, so she’s been a part of our family for a year! She is truly my dog. She follows me around the house and wants to sleep with me, curled up right next to me. If I am on the sofa she tries to squeeze in beside me and whoever is sitting next to me! She thinks she’s a lap dog.

I find Chuck, who says “she’s OK”, snuggling up with her, when he thinks I am not looking! She is great with the kids, who lay on her and crawl all over her.

She has been a great comfort to me since we have been going down this path with Scott. She will snuggle up to me and I can unburden my heart to her and cry on her shoulder, (literally, she is 80+ pounds).

Here are some pictures of our “fur kids”. Kira is the beautiful golden girl. Madison is the Doberman mix I’m snuggled up with and Annie is the one with the McDonald’s bag on her head (she was the most food driven dog I have ever seen)!

I am thankful that God created dogs!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great blog - your fur-kids are beautiful!! I love seeing them in living color!!!! They are great comforters!!!!