Monday, September 29, 2008

Good News!

This past Friday Scott took the field of vision test and his eyes where dilated so they could be photographed. It was pretty cool, seeing what the eye looks like from the "inside out".

Praise the Lord, there is no damage to the optic nerve from the tumor or the bone lesions that he has in his skull! What another answer to prayer.

Today, we went to the pediatric urologist regarding the cysts on his testicles and the doctor said that there is no cause for concern. Apparently, it is very common for boys with MAS to experience these cysts. We will do another ultrasound in a few months to make sure they haven't changed in size. Another answer to prayer! I am continually amazed at how good God is!

I just wanted to give you all a quick update and ask that you continue to uphold Scott in your prayers. We still need them.

Also, I wanted to report a praise to you all. I am sleeping better! What a blessing that is! Everything seems so much more "doable" when you get a fairly good nights sleep.

Thanks again, you wonderful prayer warriors! We couldn't do this without you.


Anonymous said...

Praise God - thanks for the update!!!! I love hearing how God is working in your situation with Scott!!! Here is a verse that has come to mind twice in the last week:

Lamentations 3:22-23 "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."

He is faithful and you all are giving Him all the glory!!!!!

catherine (fairchild) calhoun said...

Great news!
Thoughts and prayers,

Kristi Bowers said...

To God be the Glory great things HE has done....still praying! Great update!!