Monday, September 8, 2008

Maryland Here We Come

We found out that the dates in October will not work. So we are now scheduled to go to Maryland Nov. 15 - 22. I was hoping that we wouldn't have to wait so long, but it actually works out very well for that week. Scott has early release from school for that week, due to parent teacher conferences, so it will be a little less school that he'll miss. My sister, who will be watching Ashlyn will be home from a mission trip to Bolivia by then and will have an easier time of getting out here. So are flights are booked!

Scott has had a good first few days of second grade. He likes his teacher and has several kids from first grade in his class. So that's good. I have started back a a leader at our church in Treasured, which is a ministry to mom's with preschool aged children. We had our first training this past Monday and the program begins on Sept. 23. I am looking forward to getting back in a routine and continue on with "normal" life.

Scott still has to have a couple of tests and his endocrinologist, Dr. Naidu left a message today and said that she has gotten the results of the testicular ultrasound and, "doesn't know what to make of it." So I'll be calling her back and seeing what the next steps are. Keep praying, praying, praying!

Also, please keep praying for me, that I will start sleeping better. I am only getting about 3 hours a night and I am dragging.



Anonymous said...

I too am a MAS mom to my 8 yr. old daughter, Lauren, who was diagnosed less than two years ago. My heart and prayers are with you. Thank God you are in the right hands with Dr. Collins at the NIH. Once you all can get Scott's health in order and begin his regular visits for "maintenance", things will settle down. Remember... If God brings you to it, God will bring you through it!" I too understand the lack of sleep. The first year I thought I'd surely have a nervous breakdown, but it did get better, and it will for you too. Try to hang in there and take care of yourself, so that you may also be there for your family. My prayers will remain with you always. Please pray for my daughter, Lauren, too. God bless your baby boy and your entire family!

Warm Regards,

Tanya Lachance

Kristi Bowers said...

Dian, I am specifically praying for your strength and rest. I do really understand that. When we are tired, it makes everything so much harder and I think you will find you will hold your family together!! Rely on Chuck and ask for help when you need it-of course keep relying on God, with Him it will all crumble!! Isn't it great to have Him?